
While the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and my kids are old enough that they just need me for money, it’s time to tackle the piles and piles of treasures all over my house. I am planning on traveling the world – when I win the lottery – so until then I need to get rid of my sacred possessions to only what will fit in a suitcase. Or a motorhome. One or the other.

I offer them up for sale, for only true love will swing someone to buy an item like an old book, or some obscure art. Hey, they make great gifts!

I am also featuring my husbands art work. He is a commercial artist, and he is doing this for fun, and he is a fun loving funny guy, as you will witness with his giant bunny vs. lucha libre wrestler picture, among others. Yes, there’s also an Old Fashioned drinking Wisconsin Badger up for sale. We are experimenting with digital downloads, so they are cheap and you can put them on whatever you want. Oh, and t-shirts, you can get some t-shirts and a onesie.

Please talk back if you want, it would be great to hear if people are out there. You can tell me what you think of my shop and what you’d like to see.

I just got my new book (!) Building Stories by Chris Ware

This is a box with books and comics inside, it is all that and so much more. It is a big ole gift to yourself, and I just saw it on Amazon for $25, which is half price, and is crazy because local stores cannot compete with that, but it is an amazing price and you get so much for your money!

The colors are so deep and the printing so crisp. The faux Golden Book isn’t perfect, it looks fantastic, but the foil on the side is coming off, but who care, it is a faux Golden Book! Do I sound like an asshole if I mention that Chris Ware lived above my best friend in Chicago in the 1990’s? So so much of his work reminds me of that time and place in Chicago.

Also I cannot let my kids see these because some of the pictures would upset them, maybe traumatize them.

SUPER SALE 20% OFF Everything in Store

Super Sonic Sale starts today thru – when I decide to end it.

20% off everything in store, which would make everything $20 instead of $25

Go To: Gotcha Cha Cha on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/GotchaChaCha?ref=pr_shop_more

Tell Your Friends!

Milwaukee Art Museum Impressive Impressionism

Milwaukee is a nice town. There is some stuff to do. Not a ton of stuff, but some stuff. One of the nice things is our art museum, the Milwaukee Art Museum. There are some nice exhibits. The first Thursday of the month is free day, so it is the day that I go. (Though I am definitely going to get a membership for the family this holiday).

Today I saw the Impressionism exhibit. I wasn’t looking forward to it too much, I appreciate Impressionism, but it has never been my favorite. But I found myself in tears, or near tears today. The power of the expertise overwhelmed me. Incredible mastery. I hesitate to write about the art, I am not an art historian. The exhibit didn’t have too many big hitters, you can go to Chicago to see that. There were a lot of smaller pieces and some artists I hadn’t known about. There was Van Gogh, and the Impressionism God, Renoir. A lot of Mary Cassat, which was nice. And here was a piece by Toulouse Latrec:

It is done on cardboard.

I also took serious note of the framing. The frames were gorgeous, elaborate, ornate for the most part. But I focused on the matting. It was interesting and gave me many idea’s. Linen covered mats. Painted on mats, and drawn outlines on the mats. I hope to spice things up at Gotcha Cha Cha.