SUPER SALE 20% OFF Everything in Store

Super Sonic Sale starts today thru – when I decide to end it.

20% off everything in store, which would make everything $20 instead of $25

Go To: Gotcha Cha Cha on Etsy

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Procured Lately

GWEN FROSTIC made this beautiful book on a letter press:

1958. She is a member of the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame and has a beautiful studio in upper Michigan, which has a shop a conservatory.  She passed away in 2001. I found this book at the thrift store, in the “antique” area. I bought 3 other old books, and not sure I should have because the condition goes from OK to terrible. I will be posting these the next few days and you can see what you think.

Finally I Listed Something New on Etsy; Pic o’ the Day of Cha Cha

You can find this cutie at:

more details:


Here is the story behind this painting: I got it many years ago in a thrift store in Chicago. Not a very exciting story, but I have always loved this painting. I can’t keep things too long, so it is time to let this very unique painting go to someone who will love it as much as I do. I mean, look at that dog! He is so cute! And the giant bird. I should look up what bird it is, but I am too lazy. I feel like it might be a wild turkey, but what do I know about birds? The signature says Herman 57, and I think of some guy, painting this in his basement as a hobby in 1957, and then it ends up in a thrift store in the 1990’s. The canvas says it is from an art store in Chicago. So there you go, that’s all I know.


This was my darlin’ Cha Cha today, underneath the “crazy chairs” I just got for $40 at Pier 1 – score!