Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes of the brain factory here at GotchaChaCha. First I am showing off my new soft light boxes, which hopefully will make my product photo’s look better.

Then you see a table of the journals I have put together in  search of ways to utilize old books. Nothing quite work, sadly. It has been a while since I have looked at them, so I wanted to see what I had done with fresh eyes. Back to the drawing board! Hope to get something figured out to put in the store.

Trying something new: Concertina binding accordian book

The challenge today was a new book: concertina binding, according to my new book, BOOKCRAFT, by Heather Weston. My first attempt at things is usually pretty dismal, but I allow myself to make mistakes, but to forge ahead and make it to the end, to see where I am. So here, my paper was too thin and not long enough, and I do not know how to cover the book cover with paper, even though I followed the directions. Things don’t seem perfectly square and matched up, either. I don’t really see the purpose of accordian bindings, unless I had some great content that would fit perfectly. When my younger daughter was 7 or so, she decorated an accordian fold book, and it is truly beautiful. _DSC0002_DSC0006

New in store: more journals of the recycled variety

I am having so much fun making these! It has been a process, and the process shall probably continue to be tweaked, but I found something nice to do with these old books. I take the useful parts, and make something practical and functional, and I love utilitarianism. I use these books now all the time. The are happy, unique, and fun. Here are my latest two, up on my Etsy site GotchaChaCha:


The Beginning – Chapbooks

These are fun. To make things go so much better, I made a piercing cradle (or as my husband call it, ” the Manger”). I got the pattern from this book: Book Art, Handcrafting Artists’ Books by Dorothy Simpson Krause. So then, my books looked a lot better. Looky:



This orange one I made for my husband, and he is going to fill it up with great drawings and give it to me for the holidays.

